Its that time again -Surtex!

It's hard to believe its time, well, its been time to plan for Surtex again.  I am so excited to be returning after such a wonderful experience last year.  My roommate from college has again so generously offered not only her living room BUT her booth manning services as well!  Its a fun excuse to spend a few days with her too!  

I just finished the second of the Surtex webinars, and if the fist didn't fully get my butt in gear, this one absolutely did.  As Tara Reed so calmly pointed out, there are only 81 days until we will actually be on the floor at the show.  You are probably raising an eyebrow to that number thinking that its months away but believe me it goes by very quickly!  There are so many things to do before I can even get to creating any new art work.  Kind of makes my head spin but on the other hand, I've been kind of out of sorts lately and there is nothing like having too much to do, to get me back to my productive self.  

So this week has been all about my press release, it was only slightly less scary than it was last year!  I'm excited to say it's all written and has even been approved by the companies I mentioned in it (phew!).  There was that little piece of me holding my breath as if I was making it all up and would be called on it!  Luckily, I am allowed to proceed with everyone's blessing.  Now all that's left to do is select a few images to go along with it.  I wonder if anyone else over thinks these things like I do?  Should the images relate to the pieces referred to in the release, should they be the same as my promotional materials (assuming those where picked) or do I show new work?  So many questions.  I envy those people who go with the flow!  Alas I still have a few days of second guessing to do before sending it off.