Rebeca Flott - Moments of Magic and Telling your Story

Rebeca Flott who shares her failed start on etsy and how she returned with an inspired idea that sent her down an incredible road from owning a paint studio, to being a powerhouse etsy and Amazon handmade seller and her real love, being a story teller. Rebeca is a heart led entrepreneur but not in the way you think! She knows the value of her audience and their needs and believes thoroughly in serving them both in the art she creates but also in the ways she shows up for them through her social media. Spend a little time on Rebeca's socials and you will fall in love with her spirit, she is such a positive and encouraging sounding board and you'll love hearing her perspectives, moments of magic, and the parts and players that have become part of her story.

Click here for Real Artists Don’t Starve, the book Rebeca mentioned that changed her outlook are being an art business and here to follow along on her business and life adventures!